Sefas Group Companies - Official Shell Lubricant Distributor
Head Office

PT Sefas Pelindotama was established in 1997 as the authorized distributor of Shell Lubricants. Focusing on the mining sector and other related industries, Sefas Pelindotama is committed to become the nation’s most reliable and trusted lubricants distributor.

As the beginning of SEFAS Group's journey, Sefas Pelindotama has experienced rapid growth from Balikpapan to other strategic areas for mining and other related industries in Kalimantan. Headquartered in Jakarta, Sefas Pelindotama has warehouses and branch office located throughout Kalimantan, which includes Balikpapan, Banjarmasin, Samarinda, Berau, Tarakan, as well as a supporting warehouse in Surabaya.

With a portfolio of customers from various industrial sectors ranging from mining to construction, Sefas Pelindotama not only provides high quality products, but also offers a range of excellent services tailored to customer needs.

Over the last few years, Sefas Pelindotama has won awards such as Best Service Penetration, Distributor of the Year and is recognized as one of the best distributors in Asia Pacific.

Head Office

Jl. Cideng Timur No. 70 Jakarta Pusat 10150
Phone : (+62 21) 3858756
Fax : (+62 21) 3847801
Email :

Balikpapan Regional Office & Warehouse

Jl. Mulawarman No. 12 RT 03, Batakan Balikpapan 76116 Kalimantan Timur
Phone : (+62 542) 770075/76
Fax : (+62 542) 770156

Banjarmasin Regional Office & Warehouse

Jl. Banjargawi Barat No. 3A-B LIK Landasan Ulin Selatan, Liang Anggang, Banjarbaru 70722, Kalimantan Selatan
Phone : (+62 511) 6747319

Samarinda Representative Office

Ruko Pesona Mahakam No. RK 07 Jl. Pelita, Samarinda Seberang, Samarinda 75131, Kalimantan Timur
Phone : (+62 541) 7268039

Berau Representative Office & Warehouse

Jl. HARM Ayoeb RT. 08, Tabur, Gunung Tabur, Berau 77352, Kalimantan Timur
Phone : (+62 554) 2030212

Tarakan Representative Office & Warehouse

Jl. Kusuma Bangsa RT. 11 No. 1A, Gunung Lingkas, Tarakan Timur, Tarakan 77115, Kalimantan Utara
Phone : (+62 551) 3801937

Head Office

PT Sefas Keliantama was established in 2009 in Jakarta as a subsidiary of PT Sefas Pelindotama to support the distribution of lubricant products in Indonesia. Its main focus is to supply Shell Lubricants to power, fleet, construction and manufacturing sectors. Sefas Keliantama continues to commit to providing the best products and integrated services to support its customers' businesses.

Sefas Keliantama is also proven to be reliable in meeting various customers' needs through extensive product and service portfolio. In order to provide value added services, Sefas Keliantama continues to develop competent and trusted dedicated technical experts to support operational needs and troubleshooting.

As proof of credibility, Shell Indonesia has given several awards such as Best Marketing Initiatives and Distributor of the Year.

Head Office

Jl. Cideng Timur No. 70 Jakarta Pusat 10150
Phone : (+62 21) 3858756
Fax : (+62 21) 3847801
Email :

Jakarta Representative Office & Warehouse

Marunda Center Blok P No. 3 dan 3A, Sagara Makmur, Kec. Tarumajaya, Bekasi

Surabaya Warehouse

Komplek Pergudangan Margomulyo Permai Blok P2 Surabaya 60186, Jawa Timur
Phone : (+62 317) 494883

Head Office

Tribina Panutan joined as a subsidiary of SEFAS Group in 2005. Tribina Panutan then expanded its business to Tangerang area in 2016. By focusing on power generation, manufacturing and fleet sectors, Tribina Panutan continues to commit to supply lubricant needs in its respective areas.

With more than 17 years of experience and expertise in the distribution of lubricants and related services, solutions offered by Tribina Panutan have provided benefits to more than 500 customers.

Human Resources, business ethics, and professionalism are key points in running a company. Therefore, Tribina Panutan offers integrated services from initial purchase to end product usage by ensuring the most efficient operation, satisfaction and assurance to all partners and customers.

The spirit to continue to develop from Tribina Panutan has received recognition from Shell with several awards such as Best Innovation and Best People Development.

Head Office

Jl. Cideng Timur No. 70 Jakarta Pusat 10150
Phone : (+62 21) 3858756
Fax : (+62 21) 3847801
Email :

Cilegon Regional Office & Warehouse

Jl. Raya Bojonegara Km. 2 No. 7 RT. 002/004 Kedaleman, Cibeber, Cilegon 42422, Banten
Phone : (+62 254) 5753219 / 5750877
Fax: (+62 254) 5753301

Tangerang Representative Office & Warehouse

Komplek Pergudangan PKT Bitung Blok B1-B3, Jl. Gatot Subroto Km. 9, RT. 01 RW. 02, Manis Jaya, Kec. Jatiuwung, Kabupaten Tangerang, Banten 15136
Phone : (+62 21) 38936012

Head Office

PT Cahaya Samoedera Bersaudara (Samoedera) is one of the largest marine product distributors in Indonesia offering a global distribution network, 24/7/365 standby service, as well as a range of marine lubricant products. Samoedera was founded in 2009 as an authorized distributor of Shell Marine products, which then joined the SEFAS Group in 2013. Samoedera aligns its vision and mission with SEFAS Group to achieve long-term growth and success.

Samoedera has distribution coverage to more than 40 countries and more than 600 major ports worldwide as well as continuous expansion to accommodate maritime needs on a global scale by offering a comprehensive range of services, including lubricant surveys, ship check, lubricants analysis, training and logistics. 

The founders of Samoedera have been in the lubricants field for over 20 years and continue to refine system operation and management to achieve uncompromising viability and reliability. For three consecutive years until now, Samoedera is the Best Shell Marine Distributor with a worldwide network. Today it is also one of the largest Shell Marine Products distributors in the region, offering innovative technology products that are consistent in quality and support environmental sustainability.

Head Office

Rukan Multiguna No. 6P
Jl. Rajawali Selatan Raya Blok C5 No. 2
Jakarta Utara 14410, DKI Jakarta,
Phone : (+62 21) 64702882
Fax : (+62 21) 29452828
Email :

Banjarmasin Warehouse

Pegudangan 88 No. 18 Jl. Gubernur Soebardjo, Lingkar Selatan, Banjarmasin 70241, Kalimantan Selatan

Batam Warehouse

Kawasan Industri Tunas Bizpark 15-I, Batam Center, Jl. Raja Isa, Batam 29464, Kepulauan Riau

Medan Warehouse

MMTC Warehouse II, Blok G 12B, Deli Serdang. Jl. Williem Iskandar Pasar V, Medan 20371, Sumatera Utara

Surabaya Warehouse

Jl. Pesapen Kali No. 39, Krembangan Utara Surabaya 60163, Jawa Timur

Makassar Warehouse

Komplek Pergudangan Patene 88, Cluster Park Blok D No. 10-12, Marusu, Maros. Jl. Pattene, Makassar 90552, Sulawesi Selatan

Palembang Warehouse

Pergudangan Prima Star Block A No. 1 Jl. Tanjung Siapi-Api KM 8, Talang Kelapa. Desa Gasing, Banyuasin Palembang 30961, Sumatera Selatan

Pontianak Warehouse

Jeruju Warehouse No. A7 Jl. Komodor Yos Sudarso KM 2 Pontianak 78113, Kalimantan Barat

Sorong Warehouse

Jl. Basuki Rahmat KM 8,9 RT. 004 RW.008. Sorong 98412, Papua Barat

Head Office

PT Blue Coolant Indonesia was founded in 2010 as part of SEFAS Group. To meet the needs of a premium coolant as a complementary product to lubricant, PT. Blue Coolant Indonesia provides the product solution: Reco-Cool, manufactured by Recochem International (Recochem Inc), known as a reliable manufacturer to produce coolant for brands such as Shell, Daimler-Chrysler, Ford, Petro Canada, Nulon, Repco, Donaldson, John Deere, Walmart and many others.

Blue Coolant Indonesia is a supplier of maintenance complementary products for all types of machines such as coolant, degreaser and heavy duty hand wash. Our passion in advocating machine durability through the utilization of optimal working temperature has earned trust and recognition from prestigious brands and customers. We take pride in our accomplishments and will continuously penetrate our services across Indonesia. 

Our high-quality products promote the maintenance of peak performances and assure durability through stabilizing optimal temperature.In addition to supplying coolants, we also provide training, consulting, and technical services.

Head Office

Jl. Cideng Barat No. 87 Jakarta Pusat
10150, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia
Phone : (+62 21) 3866065

Head Office

PT Sinergi Semesta Pratama was established in 2022 as the official distributor of Shell lubricants for the Bekasi, Karawang and Purwakarta distribution areas.

As part of the big Sefas Group family, Sinergi Semesta Pratama is here to serve the needs of industrial lubricants which are supported by Shell Indonesia.

Head Office

Kawasan Industri Delta Silicon III
Jl. Rotan II Blok F27-37EB
Lippo Cikarang

Head Office

Energi Hijau Samoedera Bersaudara (EHSB) is part of PT Cahaya Samoedera Bersaudara which is one of the largest distributors of Shell Marine products in the world. EHSB has a product named Energi Merah Putih which is an international standard fuel brand that we have developed as an official reseller of Shell fuel.

Energi Merah Putih fuel is guaranteed directly from PT Shell Indonesia, so that the quality can be guaranteed and has international standards.

We believe that product quality is very important in maintaining customer satisfaction. We also always ensure the right delivery volume, appropriate and accurate delivery time.

The satisfaction of our partners is a top priority, supported by real time GPS tracking, portable filling stations and 24/7/365 service to always provide the best service and to fulfill commitments to EHSB partners.

Head Office

Rukan Multiguna Blok 1-I
Jl. Rajawali Selatan Raya Blok C5/2, Pademangan Timur
Kec. Pademangan, Kota Jkt Utara, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 14410

Head Office

PT. Pancaputra Mitratama Mandiri is the Official Distributor of Shell lubricants for the Industrial and Transportation sectors in the East Java region.

As part of the big Sefas Group family, Pancaputra Mitratama Mandiri is here to serve the needs of industrial lubricants which are supported by Shell Indonesia.

Head Office

Jl. Kupang Indah I No.11, Sonokwijenan
Kec. Sukomanunggal, Surabaya, Jawa Timur 60189
Phone : (+62 21) 3866065